The investigation by the prosecutor’s office in Bergamo on the management of Corona from the beginning of February to 8 March 2020 is still ongoing, and it is yet to be determined if any crimes have been committed and by whom.
However, there is a clear political fact emerging from the investigation that does not involve crimes but rather a political judgment.
The investigation highlights the heavy pressure exerted by some big entrepreneurs and their organizations to prioritize profit over health.
While it was already known that there were public statements by Bonomi and regional presidents of Confindustria in this regard, what emerged from the investigation is that these entrepreneurs were exerting their influence through direct and private messages and phone calls to political figures.
This is not a matter of errors, underestimations, or lack of preparedness; it was an ideological position that put profit ahead of health and life.
Their crusade continued even after March 8, with requests to include as many productive categories as possible in the so-called “essential” industries, until they obtained the derogation that only required self-certification to be defined as “essential.”
The political fact is that we had, and unfortunately still have, a largely irresponsible, foolish, and short-sighted entrepreneurial class that prioritizes profit over public health.
The only way to contain the economic damage caused by the pandemic was by containing the disease, and there was no real long-term advantage to sending people to work during the peak of the epidemic.
“The stock market is collapsing,” shouted the economic powers in those days. But 15 months later, it had already returned to pre-Covid levels. Meanwhile, none of the people who died to save the stock market had returned to their families after 15 months.